Total Medals Earned: 467 (From 99 different games.) Total Medal Score: 6,570 Points
Medals Earned: 7/15 (135/620 points)
Find and abuse the familiar mechanic
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Develop 75 games with Auto mode disabled
Develop 3 Idle versions of FlashChaz games
Receive a positive review from Danish Goel
Take 25 poos
Enter the brain
Get lucky on the one arm bandit
Win 50 awards - the only true recognition of talent
Realize a universal truth
Develop 250 games with Auto mode disabled
Churn out 800 games
Medals Earned: 25/100 (125/500 points)
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Medals Earned: 1/1 (100/100 points)
Win the stage mode.
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/300 points)
Beat the first stage.
Complete the game!
Get an 8x combo.
Rank A or better at end of game on normal or harder.
Complete game on Hard.
Get through a level without losing any health.
Rank S at end of game on normal or harder.
Complete game on Nightmare.
Complete game on Hell.
Medals Earned: 3/9 (25/375 points)
Pass 5 levels
Pass 15 levels
Pass 10 levels
Pass half of the levels
Pass 25 levels
Pass 35 levels
Pass 30 levels
Complete the game
Pass the secret level
Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/100 points)
Escape the raptor
Get past the triceratops
Save the witch doctor
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/26 (10/500 points)
Kill an enemy by shooting them with at least 4 different weapons
Kill an enemy by shooting them with a grenade dart, and then with a spiked grenade
Perform an execution
50 Kills with a Single Glock 18
50 Kills with a Single Beretta
100 Kills with the PANCOR Jackhammer
100 Kills with the Spike Grenade Launcher
100 Kills with the Laser Cannon
50 Kills with a Single Lever Shotgun
100 Kills with the Grenade Dart Launcher
Kill an enemy by only throwing weapons at them
100 Kills with dual Glock 18's
100 Kills with the Thompson
100 Kills with the Rebound Shotgun
100 Kills with the Acid Grenade Launcher
150 Headshots in one match
100 Kills with dual Berettas
100 Kills with the magnum
100 Kills with dual Lever Shotguns
100 Kills with the Lead Pipe
150 Kills in a match
100 Kills with the Tavor
100 Kills with the Arrow Gun
100 Kills with the M1187
Get a kill with every weapon during a single match
100 Kills with Artifact 19
Medals Earned: 2/4 (35/185 points)
Finishing Level 5
Finishing Level 10
Finishing Level 15
Finishing the entire game
Medals Earned: 18/20 (400/500 points)
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Find the hidden button
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Blow up a jeep
Crush an angry ground creature
Reach space
Get punched by a banana
Get caught by a UFO
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Use a nuke
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)
Play over 2 hours
Buy everything
Medals Earned: 3/25 (20/495 points)
Die from spikes
Find White Monk's Magnet
Find a tomb
Die from acid
Die from fire
Die from lava
Die from saw
Find Warlock's Shield
Die from water
Save 100 kitties
Kill 25 enemies
Pick up 25 gems with a magnet
Save 25 kitties
Complete 25 levels
Save 50 kitties
Save 75 kitties
Pick up 100 gems with a magnet
Kill 50 enemies
Pick up 50 gems with a magnet
Complete 50 levels
Pick up 75 gems with a magnet
Kill 100 enemies
Kill 75 enemies
Complete 75 levels
Complete 100 levels