Total Medals Earned: 467 (From 99 different games.) Total Medal Score: 6,570 Points
Medals Earned: 3/16 (15/80 points)
Defeat the Regular TV crew.
Kill the N00bs.
Defeat the Patriots.
Defeat the 67 Bots.
Defeat the Bad Dudes.
Defeat the HUGE Jerks.
Defeat the Castle Crashers.
Kill the NG Emotes.
Defeat the Evil Bosses.
Defeat 10 random bosses.
Defeat the VG Legends.
Defeat the Jerk Squad.
Kill the legendary characters.
Defeat the Bourgeois.
Defeat the Travis Bots.
Defeat the NG Folks.
Medals Earned: 5/8 (75/155 points)
Beat Island Beast
Get all 4 spells
Beat Canyon Beast
Defeat Demon Beast
Defeat all 3 knights
Beat game without getting the axe and without getting any spells
Level up everything to level 8
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/10 (15/130 points)
Fire a clone ball to it's direct destruction
Have at least 2 clones watch you drown in lava
Ace 5 chambers
Die from every possible hazard
Let the Clonecrusher 3000 kill 10 of your clones
Ace 50% of the chambers
Show Van Leech redemption
Exact revenge on Van Leech
Defeat Van Leech's Clonecrusher 3000
Ace every chamber
Medals Earned: 3/6 (250/500 points)
Collect all items from the apartment
Pleasure Ruth
Pleasure Daphne
Destroy a city
Win the interplanetary war
When he sees it....
Medals Earned: 9/60 (45/500 points)
75% Accuracy in Level 1
75% Accuracy in Level 2
85% Accuracy in Level 2
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Shoot down two Spawn Rockets at once
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
75% Accuracy in Level 3
85% Accuracy in Level 1
85% Accuracy in Level 3
95% Accuracy in Level 1
95% Accuracy in Level 2
95% Accuracy in Level 3
Take down 3 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 4 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Take down 5 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 1
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only once in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 1
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only twice in Level 3
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 1
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 2
Get hit by rockets only thrice in Level 3
Shoot down two Big Rockets at once
Shoot down two Shield Rockets at once
Shoot down two Big and one Standard Rockets at once
Make a combo with a Super Boss Rocket in Level 1
Shoot down four Mirror Rockets at once
Shoot down a Super Boss Rocket and a Spawn Rocket at once
Shoot down three Energy Rockets
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy 150 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Destroy 30 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy 80 rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
100% Accuracy in Level 1
100% Accuracy in Level 2
100% Accuracy in Level 3
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 1
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 2
Avoid all rockets in Level 1
Avoid all rockets in Level 2
Shoot down a Super Boss Rocket and an Energy Rocket at once
Take down 6 rockets with one shot in Level 3
Avoid all rockets in Level 3
Make a triple combo with a Super Boss Rocket in Level 1
Shoot down two Super Boss Rockets at once in Level 2
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 1
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 2
Destroy all rockets without missing a shot in Level 3
Medals Earned: 4/16 (25/500 points)
Defeat the Footie Twins
Defeat Battbot
Defeat Ootkey
Defeat TRN-1
Get Secret Ending
Defeat Raijinmaru
Defeat creator of Dadgame
Beat Story Mode on Easy, Normal, or Hard
Beat Story Mode on Hard
Beat Story Mode on Normal or Hard
Defeat Final Weapon
Defeat Mecha-Death
Defeat Phantom
Beat Boss Battles on HARD
Beat Tower of Destiny on HARD
100% Completion
Medals Earned: 4/5 (20/70 points)
Kill a zombie.
Finish the episode.
Fend off the Zombie and meet Naomi.
Wake Up
Find the hidden Golden Astronaut token.
Wake up the computer and access the internet.
Finish episode 1.5.
Start playing Episode 1.5.
Kill the zombie locked in the computer lab.
Medals Earned: 2/3 (10/60 points)
Get away from the spreading fire.
Complete the episode.
Medals Earned: 5/6 (25/75 points)
Start playing Episode 2.5.
Answer the phone call.
Kill the first zombie.
Kill the second zombie.
Finish playing Episode 2.5.